Thursday, September 2, 2010

Drug Testing

An examination of biologic material (such as urine, hair, saliva, or sweat) to detect the presence of specific drugs and determine prior drug use. Drug tests may be performed to detect illegal drug use as well as the use of drugs and substances not permitted in specific occupations or athletic competitions. Also known as drug screen.

Tips On How To Pass A Drug Test

Before the Test:
1. Stop smoking.
2. No heavy exercise within 48 hours of test.
3. Take a vitamin B complex with each meal 48 hours before test.
4. If your stomach permits, take two Aspirin with each meal.
5. Schedule test for the afternoon.
6. Urinate 6-8 times before test.
7. Eat lots of proteins and carbohydrates.
8. Don't skip meals, especially breakfast (3 per day).
9. Avoid foods high in sugar, fruits, and fruit juices.
10. Take a detoxifying product.
11. Drink lots of fluids. Water is best.
12. Relax.
Beat drug tests by never giving the lab/ tester your first urine of the day. Toxins build up overnight and are heaviest in the morning. If possible void the first and last portion of your urine stream into the toilet. Only catch the middle of your urine stream for the sample. This portion will have the lowest amount of toxins.
If You Fail:
If you didn't detox before your test all is not lost. The tests companies use today are extremely flawed. If you fail a test, deny that you have used any illegal substance and insist that there must be something wrong with their test. Urine tests are unreliable. Many people who have never done any drugs have tested positive for drugs because the tests are not accurate. Demand a second test. They should always give you one.

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