Saturday, September 25, 2010

Bantayan Island

An island or isle is any piece of sub-continental land that is surrounded by water. Very small islands such as emergent land features on atolls can be called islets, cays or keys.

Bantayan Island is an island in the Philippines located at the western portion of the northern tip of Cebu Island. It is politically a part of the Province of Cebu.

The island can be reached via Bus from Cebu City (via the North Bus Terminal near SM City Shopping Mall) then via Ferry from Hagnaya Wharf in Hagnaya Cebu, or from Cadiz City in Negros Occidental (no commercial flights or overnight Ferry are currently operating from Cebu City) although it is possible to charter small Private Aircraft from Mactan Airport Cebu, to the Santa Fe Airport on Bantayan Island.

Bantayan Island is a beautiful Island, and currently Cebu's semi-secret little Island Paradise (small numbers of travelers over the years have slowly been putting the word out) located just off the northwest tip of Cebu's mainland
Largely un developed and definitely not over crowded and over priced with the commercialization of some other Islands; it’s a perfect place for those seeking peace & quiet, blue skies & clean air, with spectacular turquoise water & great white sand beaches, along with some of the most beautiful sunrise & sunsets in the world!
It's also very old fashioned and peaceful on Bantayan Island, and life is much slower here as there are no big city shopping malls, hotel chains, mega movie theaters or metro discos, etc. (get your fill of those on Cebu’s Mainland)
Island Life here is slower and more relaxing, but that’s really the beauty of it all, as some roads are still yet to be paved, and locals who farm & raise livestock live very simply in bamboo & coco wood houses; the warmth and friendliness of the local people here only serves to make Bantayan a more unique & very special place for all who visit see more details about Bantayan Island.

Saturday, September 18, 2010



Management in all business areas and organizational activities are the acts of getting people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives efficiently and effectively. Management comprises planning, organizing, staffing, leading or directing, and controlling an organization (a group of one or more people or entities) or effort for the purpose of accomplishing a goal. Resourcing encompasses the deployment and manipulation of human resources, financial resources, technological resources, and natural resources.

Ten Essential Time Management Tips

Over the past six years, I’ve picked up a lot of time management tips. Some of them have been helpful and, frankly, some have been useless. Here, I’ve compiled the ten that have served me best. And yes, I’m sure you’ll have heard some of them before ... but are you actually doing them?

# Three Important Things
This is the “big rocks first” technique of scheduling your three most important tasks into your day and letting everything else flow around them.

In case you’ve not come across the “rocks” analogy before, it goes like this:

You’re given a jar, three large rocks, a handful of pebbles and some sand. If you pour the sand and pebbles into the jar first, there won’t be room to force the rocks into it – but if you put the rocks in first, the pebbles can flow around the rocks, then the sand can be poured in to fill the gaps.

# Always Carry a Notepad
How often have you been stuck waiting for a train or standing in line at the bank with absolutely nothing to do? Keep a notepad in your pocket or purse and you’ll always be able to do some productive work: whether it’s an outline for your next project, a list of ideas for new products, or a few notes for an article or short story.

If you have a PDA or phone that you can type on, try using that instead of a notepad – you can transfer your notes to your computer.

# Make Checklists
Do you ever find yourself procrastinating on big projects – or spinning your wheels without much idea of what needs to be done next? For almost any project, a checklist is a good way to keep on track. You might keep checklists like:

* Books and articles to read for your next essay
* Steps to take whenever you take on a new client
* Office procedures, such as closing up at night

Checklists are particularly important for tasks which you do on a regular basis: they’ll save you the time of trying to figure out exactly what it is you need to in order to set up a new website or launch a new product. Breaking down a big project into individual tasks is also a great way to avoid procrastination.

# Work in Short Bursts
Many people make the mistake of trying to work for long hours at a stretch. Inevitably, they run out of energy quickly – or end up working inefficiently. It’s much easier to concentrate when you’re working for a short time period, which is why students are normally advised to study for 20-45 minute bursts, taking frequent breaks.

If you’re struggling to concentrate on work, set a timer for twenty minutes, and see how much you can get done in that time. Twenty minutes of concentrated work can be more productive than two hours of fiddling around.

# Do One Thing
Our world is becoming faster and busier than ever. It’s all too common for us to be replying to emails, keeping up with friends on Twitter, and holding a conversation with colleagues – while trying to get that big company report finished. No wonder we end up working late.

Experts now believe that it’s better for us to concentrate on one task at a time, rather than multi-tasking: every time we switch between different tasks, we have to refocus – and we’re also likely to get distracted.

# Pay Yourself First
If you’ve done any reading on financial management, you might have come across the idea of paying yourself first – setting aside money towards your long-term goals each time you get your paycheck. You can apply a similar principle to your time, either on a daily or weekly basis.

“Pay yourself first” by spending an hour before work each morning on your goals – not on household chores. (If the chores really need to be done, you’ll get them done in the evening.)

# Get Enough Sleep
Many of us try to cram more into our day by cutting out sleeping time: but this can be hugely counter-productive. You’ll never be able to focus well when you’re yawning over your keyboard and if you push yourself too hard for too long, you may end up getting ill.

Some people can function well with under eight hours sleep, but most of us need to be getting at least seven hours.

# Track Your Time
Where does all the time go? I’m sure that’s a question most of us have asked ourselves recently. Of course, it’s not hard to find out: simply spend a week keeping track of your time, writing down what you do each hour.

Don’t make the excuses that you “don’t have time” to do this – it’ll only take a few extra minutes during the day (simply make a note of the time you start and end each task) – and it can reveal some uncomfortable truths about where you’re spending the bulk of your time.

# Schedule Time for Emails
When you sit down at your computer in the morning, what’s the first thing you do? For many of us, it’s checking emails. It’s easy to get sucked into replying to just one thing ... only to find that it’s lunch-time and you’ve not really accomplished anything.

If you find yourself checking emails whenever you’re stuck or procrastinating, then set yourself rigid times to read and reply. You could try 11am and 4pm – it’s unlikely that anyone really needs a reply from you at 8am.

# Delegate Whenever Possible
Finally, the best way that I’ve found to free up my time is to delegate. The more tasks you can pass on to other people, the easier it’ll be to cope with your own workload. This might mean training a subordinate to take over some of your tasks at work, it might mean hiring a virtual assistant for your home business, or it could just be getting your spouse or teens to cook dinner once in a while.

for more tips goto : Coaching Berlin

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Number Plate

A vehicle number plate is a metal or plastic plate attached to a motor vehicle or trailer for official identification purposes. The registration identifier is a numeric or alphanumeric code that uniquely identifies the vehicle within the issuing region's database. In some countries, the identifier is unique within the entire country, while in others it is unique within a state or province. Whether the identifier is associated with a vehicle or a person also varies by issuing agency. Depending on the country, the vehicle number plate may be called a registration plate (UK), license plate (US), number plate.
Personalized number plates are one of the must have motoring accessories on today’s roads. Certain combinations of letters and numbers can be used to create names and words making great private number plates. This article gives inside tips on finding your perfect personalized number plates.
Drivers and passengers on today’s roads will have noticed the growing popularity of personalized number plates on peoples cars. Personalized number plates are no longer a luxury for the elite with thousands of cheap number plates now on the market. As with any car registration, personalized number plates are all different, combining letters and numbers to make a number plate that is totally unique. It is the way in which these characters are combined however that set personalized number plates apart from ordinary car registrations.
If you want yourself to be as a unique personality among thousands of people all over then the private number plates are the best ways in every manner. From this website you can buy a unique number for your car.If you want your vehicle to be identified as very special among the crowd then the personal number plate with unique number is the best way. The rates are very genuine and affordable.
When buying personalized number plates always remember that you can never make your car appear younger than it is. For example a new 57 reg cannot be assigned to a vehicle that is 10 years old as it would make it look newer. You can however make a vehicle appear older. If in doubt contact you number plate dealer.

Blog Review

"If You Want One of the Best Link Building Services Around then Let Us Ensure that Your blog review on High Ranking, and Established Blogs. Included in this Offer is Custom Written Relevant and Original Content, which is Tailored to Your Niche and Guaranteed to Give You Permanent Back Links."

Why You Need Blog Reviews and The Best Time to Have Them?

  • Get your site reviewed as part of your promotional tactics our list of professional reviewers will provide great feedback for your website or service.

  • Our blog reviews will bring you Direct traffic from quality blogs along with the best marketing techniques for your products and services.

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  • We specialize in Search Engine Optimization & our services will ensure that you receive links from text surrounded by relevant content. This is guaranteed to improve the quality and popularity of your website and is the technique that experts use. Our Search Engine Optimized content will help you to improve your position with the search engines quickly and easily.

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private number plates

Apart from being fun they make your car stand out from the rest, offering you an opportunity for self-expression and imagination in an otherwise fairly straight-laced part of life. private number plates need n?t cost the earth either. Many are available for as little as less than ?100.

Did you know that private number plates can actually rise in value? Now there's a valid reason to invest in one! Providing you select your plate carefully then you will be able to sell it at a profit in the future. The key when selecting your plate is to consider how much you are prepared to spend and then take a look at all available car registrations in this price range. You don't want anything too obscure or you will not attract any interest when it comes to selling, but if it is rare then the value can rise significantly. The sale value can be influenced by how the market is performing at the time when you want to sell and if your plate is of interest to others.

The most popular forms of private number plates are those that represent names and initials. Name number plates, especially first names, are the most desirable and therefore the most expensive of all number plates. Prices for good name number plates can be very high and relate to the popularity of the name, the match of the plate to the name and the plate style. Demand is particularly high for common first names, such as Chris, Simon, Dave and Sarah, which can sell for many thousands of pounds.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

music composing software

Listening to music and enjoying the melodic overtones makes you wonder if you also could compose a song, or even just a melody! Some very well known composers do not know how to read sheet music, but are very successful. Most of the time however, a background in reading music and playing an instrument is important.

To Compose Music

To compose music; it comes easy to some, to others it can be one of the most daunting tasks around. The good thing is, like most skills it’s something that can be learnt and that’s where this page comes in, you’ll learn music composition starting with the basics right up to some of the more advanced ways of composing music.

We have just finished working on one of the most comprehensive DVDs on how to compose piano pieces; See what it's all about here!

There are many different ways to compose music; one of the easiest ways is to hum a tune, trying to hum something original, something that no one has ever heard before. If you play an instrument you can start composing music by playing anything at all and then when you hear something that you like, you go over and over it and use that as the theme for your piece.

Then there’s spontaneous music composition, a very advanced way of composing music, when I say advanced I mean that you have to be very good at what you do to make a spontaneous music composition sound good, anyone can do it just by playing a piece from start to finish that they compose on the fly, much like improvising but it takes a lot of talent to make it into anything more than just random notes.

OK so now you can get started by clicking on any of the links that interest you and start composing music of your own. Before you do though
click here to recieve lessons and tips on how to compose music.


A cooking analogy can help you remember to add some things to make your song better. Start with boiling water and some hearty stock to nail down the main flavor and add your meat (drums and bass). Next add in all the different main ingredients (rhythm). Finally, add the spices and flavorings, just enough to kick it up a notch, but not enough to drown out the main flavor (leads, pads, effects).

  • Read Aaron Copland's "what to listen for in music," it will greatly influence your methods especially if you are just a beginner.
  • Play your music for a friend who is good with music, and find out what they think. Fix any spots where the chords clash.
  • After you learn to really 'hear' the music in your head, you can also play on a table if you are not near a piano. Yes, it sounds weird, but after awhile, you will be able to hear the music, without actually playing it. Many very well-known composers have written entire songs on a napkin while having dinner out, just by hearing the music in their heads. Once you develop this ability, you can amaze your less musically-inclined friends!
  • If you are using a guitar to compose, learn tab chords function in major and minor keys. You can apply your knowledge to any piece of music.
  • It is a good idea to learn to play more than two musical instruments, such as piano, guitar, and drums - as well as voice - to help composing. This will help you write treble, bass and percussion notes on music sheet paper.
  • Try using some music notation programs: Finale, LilyPond, Sibelius, Magic Score, Rosegarden, GuitarPro, etc. are all good programs. They allow you to create professional-looking copies of your music. Some are even free.
  • You need at least three musical instuments and voice such as precussion, bass, rhythm guitar. Five or more instruments is better; Jackson Five songs needs five to six intruments.
  • Some musicians also try to just play. It is possible to randomly choose notes while practicing. Over time your ears and hands may lean towards emphasizing how you want the music to sound. To become a good musician, all one truly needs is time and dedication to your instrument(s).
  • Above all, have fun with it.
  • If you are interested in investing in it, you can buy software that listens through a microphone and detects notes. Then turns it into sheet music, where you can add proper rests, and other musical notations.

diarrhea home remedies

What is diarrhea?

Diarrhea is loose, watery stools. A person with diarrhea typically passes stool more than three times a day. People with diarrhea may pass more than a quart of stool a day. Acute diarrhea is a common problem that usually lasts 1 or 2 days and goes away on its own without special treatment. Prolonged diarrhea persisting for more than 2 days may be a sign of a more serious problem and poses the risk of dehydration. Chronic diarrhea may be a feature of a chronic disease.

What causes diarrhea?

Acute diarrhea is usually related to a bacterial, viral, or parasitic infection. Chronic diarrhea is usually related to functional disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome or inflammatory bowel disease.

A few of the more common causes of diarrhea include the following:

  • Bacterial infections. Several types of bacteria consumed through contaminated food or water can cause diarrhea. Common culprits include Campylobacter, Salmonella, Shigella, and Escherichia coli (E. coli).

  • Viral infections. Many viruses cause diarrhea, including rotavirus, Norwalk virus, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex virus, and viral hepatitis.

  • Food intolerances. Some people are unable to digest food components such as artificial sweeteners and lactose—the sugar found in milk.

  • Parasites. Parasites can enter the body through food or water and settle in the digestive system. Parasites that cause diarrhea include Giardia lamblia, Entamoeba histolytica, and Cryptosporidium.

  • Reaction to medicines. Antibiotics, blood pressure medications, cancer drugs, and antacids containing magnesium can all cause diarrhea.

  • Intestinal diseases. Inflammatory bowel disease, colitis, Crohn’s disease, and celiac disease often lead to diarrhea.

  • Functional bowel disorders. Diarrhea can be a symptom of irritable bowel syndrome.

Points to Remember

  • Diarrhea is a common problem that usually resolves on its own.

  • Diarrhea is dangerous if a person becomes dehydrated.

  • Causes include viral, bacterial, parasitic infections, food intolerance, reactions to medicine, intestinal diseases, and functional bowel disorders.

  • Treatment involves replacing lost fluid and electrolytes. Depending on the cause of the problem, a person might also need medication to stop the diarrhea or treat an infection. Children may need an oral rehydration solution to replace lost fluid and electrolytes.

  • Call the doctor if the person with diarrhea has severe pain in the abdomen or rectum, a fever of 102 degrees or higher, blood in the stool, signs of dehydration, or diarrhea for more than 3 days.

    Home Remedies For Diarrhea

    When stools are loose and without consistency is called diarrhea, is an effective way for the body to get rid of an undesirable substance, this may be followed with symptoms like vomiting, stomach pain, thirst, fever, nausea dehydration. In children this may be dangerous as in people 65 and older.

    Diarrhea and vomiting cause the loss of fluids which need to be replaced. In some cases diarrhea is the secondary symptom of another problem, but in most instances is cause by food poisoning; bacteria in food or water; food allergies; or a virus. Also, excess alcohol consumption; laxatives; caffeine are known to cause diarrhea. Some medicines can trigger diarrhea, such as antibiotics (tetracycline, clyndamycin, penicillin). If you find, blood or mucus in the stool is a sign of infection or parasites.

    Some well known drugs will stop diarrhea but they interfere with the natural process of cleansing that the body desperately needs. With natural remedies we may help ourselves feel better without stopping the immune system from doing its job.

    Your body uses diarrhea to flush bacteria or viruses you might have ingested by eating bad food. Therefore, it might be a bad idea to stop diarrhea too quickly. However, diarrhea does not work sometimes and if goes on for several days, dehydration and loss of important nutrients may occur which can be dangerous specially in children. That's why we recommend the use of home remedies for diarrhea instead of over the counter drugs, using herbs you can stop diarrhea and target the cause of it at the same time.

    Home Remedies for Diarrhea we recommend:

    Home Remedies for diarrhea #1: Take homeopathic Arsenicum if you feel you have eaten spoiled food. This will help control the discharge without interfere with the elimination of toxins.

    Home Remedies for diarrhea #2: If you feel weak and have a burning pain in mid-section take cuprum arsenicosum .
    Take 4 charcoal tablets every hour this will absorb the toxins from the body.

    Home Remedies for diarrhea #3: Drink blackberry tea for mild diarrhea.

    Home Remedies for diarrhea #4: Take cayenne in capsules.

    Home Remedies for diarrhea #5:Wild oregano oil is an antibacterial, anti parasitic and anti viral.

    Home Remedies for diarrhea #6: Ginger tea can stop cramps and pain. Or take Ginger in capsules.

    Home Remedies for diarrhea #7: Drink plenty of fluids, but stay away from caffeine and alcohol. Drinks like ginger ale or carrot juice is good for making the stools less watery.

    Home Remedies for diarrhea #8: For decades charcoal has been used for absorbing and expelling intestinal gas. Charcoal may also be used for relieving a variety of ailments, such as indigestion, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, high cholesterol and intestinal bloating. Charcoal's ability to absorb and prevent substances from dislodging or reabsorbing into the body make it a popular choice for detoxifying the liver and kidneys.

    Home Remedies for diarrhea #9: Boil brown rice and water for 45 minutes eat the rice (it contains Vitamin B) and drink the water.

Drug Testing

An examination of biologic material (such as urine, hair, saliva, or sweat) to detect the presence of specific drugs and determine prior drug use. Drug tests may be performed to detect illegal drug use as well as the use of drugs and substances not permitted in specific occupations or athletic competitions. Also known as drug screen.

Tips On How To Pass A Drug Test

Before the Test:
1. Stop smoking.
2. No heavy exercise within 48 hours of test.
3. Take a vitamin B complex with each meal 48 hours before test.
4. If your stomach permits, take two Aspirin with each meal.
5. Schedule test for the afternoon.
6. Urinate 6-8 times before test.
7. Eat lots of proteins and carbohydrates.
8. Don't skip meals, especially breakfast (3 per day).
9. Avoid foods high in sugar, fruits, and fruit juices.
10. Take a detoxifying product.
11. Drink lots of fluids. Water is best.
12. Relax.
Beat drug tests by never giving the lab/ tester your first urine of the day. Toxins build up overnight and are heaviest in the morning. If possible void the first and last portion of your urine stream into the toilet. Only catch the middle of your urine stream for the sample. This portion will have the lowest amount of toxins.
If You Fail:
If you didn't detox before your test all is not lost. The tests companies use today are extremely flawed. If you fail a test, deny that you have used any illegal substance and insist that there must be something wrong with their test. Urine tests are unreliable. Many people who have never done any drugs have tested positive for drugs because the tests are not accurate. Demand a second test. They should always give you one.

Funny Tongue Twisters

Funny Tongue Twisters

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

music composing software

All Musicians Need Music Composer Software

There are musicians everywhere. Music is a hobby for many people and we all need to share this with the world. The best way to do this is to be a music composer Software can make this very easy. You don't have to be a professional. Anyone with a little background in music can and should compose.
If you do not want to be a music composer software is still for you because you most likely play in a band, group, or some type of other combo. You will need to write out parts for your rehearsals and performances. The best and easiest way is to use the computer. We basically just point and click. The parts we need are easily printed in minutes and away we go to our rehears or performance.

Hiring a Music Composer - Seven Essential Qualities to Consider

If you need original music composed for your next project or concert you will first have to select a quality composer. Here are some pointers to help you find one.

6.Meeting Your Expectations