Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Electronic Cigarette

An electronic cigarette or electronic cigarette is a mechanical smokeless device which simulates smoking a real cigarette without the tobacco, tar and other chemicals. There are several multi-national manufacturers of electronic cigarette. The market opened up for them after many areas in the United States and around the world enacted smoking bans.
The Benefits Of Using Electronic Cigarettes
how an electronic cigarette works, parts of an electronic cigarette
Smarter Alternative:

* Electronic cigarettes contain zero tar, second hand smoke, and even burning substances.
* Some electronic cigarettes like Luci contain a safety feature that prevents you from nicotine over consumption.
* Some electronic cigarettes contain a smart chip built into the product which will turn off the product if too much nicotine has been delivered in to short of an amount of time.
* Shopping at Perfect Electronic Cigarette gives you the freedom to pick an electronic cigarette alternative that is best for you.
* You can even choose to smoke the zero nicotine refills so that you can cut down or even eliminate your nicotine consumption.
* Choose to smoke either high, medium, or zero nicotine refill cartridges.


* Electronic cigarette refill cartridges are far less then traditional tobacco cigarettes.
* Purchasing refill cartridges is a very low cost solution to traditional cigarettes.
* electronic cigarette that contain a smart chip will turn off the product if you inhale too much nicotine in a short time so you can never over smoke.

Smoke Anywhere You Want:

* You can now smoke indoors safe and free from the smoking bans.
* Electronic cigarettes can improve the working conditions of smokers.
* Get your nicotine fix in bars, airports, restaurants, clubs, libraries, and even offices.
* You can safely smoke alongside non-smokers without having to worry about second hand smoke.
* Electronic cigarettes do not burn tobacco which allows you to conveniently smoke indoors.
* No more ugly burn holes on carpet, furniture, or car seats.
* No more messy ashes or poisonous residues to clean up.
* Electronic cigarette batteries are rechargeable. Completely phasing out the need for a lighter.
* Electronic cigarettes turn on automatically each and every time they are inhaled.
* Electronic cigarette exhalation leaves a nice and pleasant aroma that quickly turns odorless upon dispersing into the air.
* There is no smokey smell so your cloths, car, and furniture will not smell like nasty cigarette smoke.
* Since you only breath out water vapor there is no more stains of your walls caused from second hand cigarette smoke.
* The cost of getting your things cleaned and deodorized to remove the cigarette smell can be very expensive.
* electronic cigarette do not stain your teeth yellow and leave you with a serious case of disgusting smokers breath.

Tastes, Looks and Even Functions Just Like a Real Cigarette:

* Electronic cigarettes usually around the same size and shape as a regular tobacco cigarettes.
* Electronic cigarettes are not heavy or bulky and you only have to carry one.
* Electronic cigarettes give off a vapor that resembles smoke.
* electronic cigarette have an LED light at the end that lights up whenever you inhale.
* Refill cartridges for electronic cigarettes are available in a variety of great tasting and popular flavors.
* Your friends will be simply amazed at this exciting new technology.

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